
The Stream Team: Exploring Evolve

MassivelyOP's MJ reveled in the chance to play the boss mob in Evolve Stage 2. And there have been quite a few updates --...

The Stream Team: Crawling through ARK caves

Caves hold many wonders in ARK: Survival Evolved. They also hold death. Lots of death! And danger at every turn. MassivelyOP's MJ is going...

The Stream Team: Life after Warframe’s tutorial

After TennoCon, MassivelyOP's MJ was excited to jump in and play Warframe. She had fun in the newer newbie experience; it was the most...

The Stream Team: Transylvanian sabotage with The Secret World’s Dr. Varias

MassivelyOP’s MJ and The Secret World crew have finally found everything needed to embark on Dr. Varias' sabotage mission. But what are they getting...

The Stream Team: Black Desert’s Bloody Monastery

MassivelyOP's MJ might have accidentally leveled more than she intended to over Black Desert's bonus XP weekend. How did that happen? It came about...

The Stream Team: SWTOR Dark vs. Light vs. Knights of the Fallen Empire

Let's talk about Knights of the Fallen Empire. The latest chapter for the Star Wars: The Old Republic expansion currently remains in early access and...

The Stream Team: Vampiric adventures in Chronicle: RuneScape Legends

There aren't many games where MassivelyOp’s MJ can run around as a vampire, and even fewer that combine a vampire with figurines on a...

The Stream Team: Giving Marvel Heroes’ Green Goblin a go

When it came time for MassivelyOP's MJ to decide on a Marvel Heroes character with her free hero box, she had a pretty tough...

The Stream Team: Whisperings of Black Desert’s black wisp

MassivelyOP’s MJ has been ignoring that malevolent little black wisp in Black Desert for a while now, but she can't avoid it forever. If...

The Stream Team: Contagions and cracking codes in The Secret World

MassivelyOP’s MJ is investigating a mysterious disease in for Dr. Varias in The Secret World's Transylvania. She left off last time trying to crack...

The Stream Team: SWTOR’s Battle of Rishi

MassivelyOP's MJ and Larry are closing in on Revan, but first they must wade into the war he orchestrated. The duo are wrapping up...

The Stream Team: Launching into Livelock’s open protocol mode

The launch itself might have been postponed indefinitely, but as promised, MassivelyOP's MJ is heading back into Livelock to continue the campaign. So far,...

The Stream Team: A visit to the Elder Scrolls Online Style Parlor

Judging by last week's stream, you might think that the Shadows of the Hist DLC is all about adding more dungeons to Elder Scrolls Online....

The Stream Team: Attempting to live through Path of Exiles’ labyrinth

Path of Exile's labyrinth giveth hope, then it taketh it away! The Lord's Labyrinth continues to taunt MassivelyOP's MJ with its hidden secrets and...

The Stream Team: A first look at Livelock

Are you curious about Livelock? MassivelyOP's MJ is. And you know what that means! She'll be diving into the beta of the game to...

The Stream Team: Growing killer boats ARK: Survival Evolved

There are many ways to die in ARK: dinosaurs, drowning, starving... There are also many ways to deal out death: dinosaurs, drowning, plants.... Yes,...

The Stream Team: Sneaking into Riders of Icarus’ frozen update

A new zone has opened up in Riders of Icarus, and MassivelyOP's MJ is eager to get there. The only problem is she needs to...
You don't need to confuse people, you have dinosaurs. DINOSAURS.

Free weekend showcases ARK: Survival Evolved’s Primitive+ mod and new dinos

What's bigger than a Carno, smaller than a Rex, insanely ferocious, and happy to hunt in packs? That would be ARK: Survival Evolved's new Allosaurus,...

The Stream Team: Elder Scrolls Online’s Cradle of Shadows with ZeniMax

As our Elder Scrolls Online columnist and streamer, I usually prefer soloing and duoing most of the content in the ZeniMax Studios MMORPG. But the upcoming Shadows...

The Stream Team: Trying out Morvran in Chronicle: RuneScape Legends

As much as MassivelyOP’s MJ enjoys the vampiric Vanescula and the magic-using Ariane, she can't declare these are her favorites to play in Chronicle:...