
Why I Play: Pokemon Go (and why I shouldn’t)

I won't lie: Many, many problems with Niantic often cause me to re-evaluate why I continue to play Pokemon GO, especially in recent weeks....

WAPO calls out gaming industry for lack of support for reproductive health as workers strike

The Washington Post has a new article out this week ripping into the gaming industry for its "silence" on the likely overturn of Roe...

PAX East 2022’s COVID outbreak has already resulted in one death

Last week, we covered the story about an apparent COVID outbreak at PAX East, which followed an outbreak at GDC; no less than the...

GDC Summer 2020: Better living, climate awareness, and citizen science through games

Way back during GDC 2018, I covered several panels relating to gaming for good. Things like citizen science projects, games as medicine or for...

A new medical research paper attempts to set health guidelines for collegiate esports players

One of the refrains bleated by those who dislike esports is that competitors are not "real" athletes. This appears to be a similar idea...

Blizzard bribes female employees to track their sex, pregnancy, and moods

Big Brother was so 1984. Now in 2019, it's all about Big Blizzard. Read this report over at Games Industry based on a new WAPO...

Examining the potential for exercise and exploration in Pokemon GO

Just in time for your New Year's resolution, we reported on how Pokemon Go was featured in a peer-reviewed study on getting people to move more. But...

Pokémon Go made $950 million in 2016, but players aren’t walking as much

There's no doubt that last year was phenomenal for Pokémon Go, as the popular app racked up an astounding $950 million in revenue by...
EverQuest II

The Daily Grind: What’s the healthiest living MMO?

Back in June, Massively OP's Justin Olivetti wrote an article listing what he considered the 10 healthiest MMOs, a subject that quickly proved controversial,...