helldivers ii

Helldivers 2 players try to undo reviewbomb damage and restore a fired community manager

Now that players of Helldivers 2 have effectively badgered Sony enough that it decided to reverse its PSN account requirement, the playerbase is continuing...

Sony walks back returning PSN account requirements for Helldivers 2 PC players

Helldivers 2 players are used to winning by shows of overwhelming force, but even they were likely taken back by Sony's decision to relent...

Helldivers 2 delists from Steam in non-PSN countries as studio boss admits fault in debacle

Over the weekend we reported on Sony's decision to reinforce the previously relaxed PlayStation Network account link requirement for PC players of Helldivers 2,...

Helldivers 2 PC players are furious over returning hard requirement to link to a PSN account by June 4

It would appear that Sony has elected to call down a 500kg bomb strategem on the PC-using playerbase of Helldivers 2, as a previously...

Helldivers 2 releases another balance patch affecting weapons, ricochet, and solo players

This week saw yet another balance pass slide its way across the entirety of Helldivers 2, as Arrowhead continues to tweak the knobs of...

The Stream Team: Hunting for the big robot doggos in Helldivers 2

OK, so they're technically called factory striders, but MOP's Chris sees them as giant robot dogs. Robot dogs packed with guns that kill. So...

Helldivers 2 balances weapons, raises level cap, and quietly unleashes fresh robot terrors in latest patch

Yesterday was another patch day for the still popular co-op shooter Helldivers 2, with Arrowhead Studios making another round of various updates to weapons,...

The Stream Team: A round of hot drops into the bug and robot killing fields of Helldivers 2

MOP's Chris is back for another bout of Helldivers 2 with his best friend! Now that he's got more time under his belt and...

Helldivers 2 players share sightings of mysterious blue lasers, fueling speculation of a third enemy faction

The playerbase of Helldivers 2 is sharing some interesting and terrifying new reveals from the shooter's various battlefronts, and this time it's not just...

Helldivers 2 adjusts armored Terminid health and spawn rates while quietly adding new flying enemies

Helldivers 2 has made good on its promise to address armored Terminid enemy spawns with a patch that released yesterday, which should make dealing...

Helldivers 2 resolves to address armored spawn concerns and dismissive dev comments

The furor over adjustments made in Helldivers 2 has arguably reached a boiling point. Earlier this week, Arrowhead Game Studios put out a balance...

Helldivers 2 tries to further explain recent balancing as players push back against nerfs

The days after a balance patch are never usually ones that are full of celebration and excitement, so in that regard the reaction from...

Helldivers 2 adds weapon balance and planetary hazards in latest patch as a deployable mech nears its launch

If you're among the players of Helldivers 2 who have frothing, deep-seated, ravenous opinions about some of the co-op shooter's weapons, then today's minor...

The Stream Team: Diving headlong into bug and robot-filled hell with a friend in Helldivers 2

To paraphrase a famous quote from Winston Churchill, "If you're diving into hell, keep diving, and bring a friend with you." That's just what...