living world season 4

Flameseeker Chronicles: Our preview of Guild Wars 2’s Long Live the Lich, now live

We've waited out the short delay, and today's the day when we get our hands on the third episode of Guild Wars 2's fourth Living...

Flameseeker Chronicles: Deep-diving Guild Wars 2’s A Bug in the System (part 2)

I have had plenty of time to digest the rest of Guild Wars 2's  A Bug in the System since the first part of my...

Flameseeker Chronicles: First impressions of Guild Wars 2’s A Bug in the System

Today is the day we've been waiting for: After a short delay, episode 2 of Guild Wars 2's fourth Living World season, A Bug in...

Flameseeker Chronicles: Deep-diving Guild Wars 2’s living world S4 Daybreak

I'm back with an earlier-than-anticipated special edition of Flameseeker Chronicles to share my impressions of the opening episode of Guild Wars 2's fourth Living World...