
I am not supporting this lizard-shooting quest.

The Daily Grind: Have you ever joined a volunteer guide program in an MMORPG?

The recent Anarchy Online debacle, whereby Funcom dumped its long-running Advisors of Rubi-Ka volunteer program with very little notice, really irked me, even as...

Japan drops Microsoft/Activision-Blizzard antitrust probe as lawmakers scrutinize Japanese gaming market

Activision-Blizzard CEO Bobby Kotick released a memo to his staff (and everyone else in the entire world) on the ABK Substack (which exists) last...

Members of US Congress send letters to game companies about combating extremism in online gaming

According to a December report from the Anti-Defamation League, extremism in online gaming is on the rise for the fourth year in a row....

The Daily Grind: Should players be allowed to vote on an MMO’s design?

Listen, y'all know I love Star Wars Galaxies, and I've been playing on the Legends emu for years. And one of the cool things...
Among all the many, many ways you are terrible.

Some U.S. senators give the Microsoft-Activision buyout the big stink-eye

Not everyone is jumping up and down in approval over the upcoming $68.7 billion Microsoft buyout of Activision Blizzard. According to the Wall Street...
Kick it down the road.

Lawful Neutral: Why Josh Hawley’s lockbox regulation Senate bill is dead-on-arrival

There's a special place in my heart for lootboxes and exploitative monetization, and that place is somewhere below the revulsion I feel for Martin...

The FTC commits to investigating video game lootboxes following US Senate subcommittee hearing

Readers following the long-running lootbox/lockbox debate will recall that back in February of this year, New Hampshire Senator Maggie Hassan, who sits on the...

New Hampshire senator Maggie Hassan has picked up the lootbox and gaming addiction cause

Up until now, the political grumblings about video game gambleboxes has been mostly limited to state governments, specifically Hawaii's Chris Lee, who submitted four...