stream team

Massively Overpowered’s Stream Team streams new and old games every week on our Twitch channel, OPTV. [Follow the Stream Team’s RSS feed]

The Stream Team: Launching into Life is Feudal: MMO’s early access launch

Early access for the Life is Feudal: Your Own version has been out a couple of years, but now the MMO has finally hit...

The Stream Team: Must play Paladins’ Moji!

From the first moment that two-headed dragon was revealed, Massively OP's MJ knew she had to play Moji, Paladins' newest champion. Today she finally...

The Stream Team: A look at Eternal Lands

With so many MMOs out there, it is possible that a few slip by unnoticed. Massively OP's MJ just recently learned about a game...

The Stream Team: Saving the city from undead in Guild Wars 2

There's a new event of sorts happening in Guild Wars 2, and it involves saving the city from undead. The trick is, you don't...

The Stream Team: ARK Aberration’s glow pugs are the best

Now that Massively OP's MJ is safely back home, she can continue her quest to make a home on ARK's Aberration server. And she...

The Stream Team: A dev tour of Ship of Heroes

Want to get a look inside Ship of Heroes? Heroic Games' Founder Casey McGeever and Lead Developer Matt Wilson are taking Massively OP's MJ...

The Stream Team: Cheers to seven years, DC Universe Online

Happy seventh birthday heroes -- and villains! DCUO turned seven today, and to celebrate the occasion, you get the presents! Massively OP's MJ is...

DC Universe Online celebrates seven years and you get the gifts!

Today marks the seventh anniversary of DC Universe Online, and players are getting some goodies in honor of the occasion. Lead Producer Leah "Katnikov"...

The Stream Team: Investigating a graverobber in Dungeons and Dragons Online

There's concern of a graverobber halfling named Moonshadow Lighfoot that might be dabbling in necromancy in DDO, and Massively OP's Justin and MJ are...

The Stream Team: Drowning sorrows in SMITE’s arena

As much as Massively OP's MJ really wanted to keep playing SMITE's adventures, the latest round turned off today. To hide her tears and...

The Stream Team: Winter holidays in Neverwinter

With a name like Neverwinter, you have to wonder how the cold-weather holidays are celebrated in-game. Wonder no more! Massively OP's MJ is diving...

The Stream Team: A final Frostfell ice race in EverQuest II

Time is running out for Massively OP's MJ to beat that slippy-slidey race and get the achievement in EverQuest II. No pressure! She has...

The Stream Team: Going after the Grinchta in Villagers and Heroes

A new year is a great time for Massively OP's MJ to face a new threat. A new year, a new threat -- she's...

The Stream Team: A second stint in Secret World Legends’ Dreaming Prison

How does Massively OP's MJ start the new year off right? In her favorite world, Secret World Legends! And she's on the verge of...

The Stream Team: Seasons Greedings in DCUO

Are you sad that Christmas is over? Well, the season isn't! And you can still have super holiday fun in DCUO. The Seasons Greedings...

The Stream Team: Another first day in ARK: Aberration

When ARK's latest patches didn't fix the video card issues, Massively OP's MJ was not able to have a full first look at the...

The Stream Team: Secret World Legend’s Last Train to Cairo

One of the really neat changes Secret World Legends did was incorporate The Last Train to Cairo DLC from The Secret World into the...

The Stream Team: A first look at Wild Buster

Have you heard about Wild Buster: Heroes of Titan? You might have if you grabbed a copy from MOP's giveaway! Massively OP's MJ hadn't...

The Stream Team: Frolicking in AdventureQuest 3D’s Frostval

Forget about Santa coming to town when you can have AQ3D's Artix! His stories are way more fun than that guy in red's, and...

The Stream Team: A Dromund Kaas getaway in SWTOR’s KOTET

After having to watch Voss burn, Massively OP's Larry and MJ were visited by an unexpected new "friend" when they finished up Chapter I...