The Stream Team: The Secret World’s snowball fights
This winter seems to be all about snowballs. Even The Secret World is getting in on the act. Not that Massively OP's MJ is...
Perfect World Entertainment integrates Twitch streaming into its Arc launcher
If you want to play Neverwinter, Gigantic, Star Trek Online, or maybe even Perfect World International, you're probably familiar with Perfect World Entertainment's Arc...
Is Heroes of the Storm a failure from the e-sports side?
Does it seem like Heroes of the Storm is still struggling to find its niche? On the one hand, that question is ridiculous at...
The Stream Team: Sneaking a peek at Riders of Icarus’ Ranger’s Fury
A big new update is hitting Riders of Icarus tomorrow, complete with new zone, new levels, and a new class. Massively OP's MJ is...
China bans streaming games not approved by the Ministry of Culture
China's Ministry of Culture is the government agency that covers (among other things) what imagery can and cannot be shown in a video game....
The Stream Team: Nab yourself a SMITE Nike Peregrine code
Massively OP's MJ loves Fafnir’s Winter Wonderland, even if she hasn't gotten very far yet. There's just an addictive pull to these PvE arenas....
The Stream Team: A fresh start for ArcheAge?
Massively OP's MJ has a plan to start a new race on a new server. She even made a brand-new ArcheAge account just for...
The Stream Team: Happy first birthday Devilian!
It happens only once in a game's life: that first anniversary! Yes, Devilian turns one year old today. Where on earth did the time...
The Stream Team: Exploring ARK’s revamped ice cave
One of ARK's recent changes included a complete reworking of the island's cave systems. That means that all of the caves that Massively OP's...
The Stream Team: Diving into Gigantic’s sorta open beta
The whole it's-open-beta-but-it's-not-really-open is a weird thing to Massively OP's MJ, but since she did just happen to get a new laptop with Windows...
The Stream Team: Sabotage in The Secret World’s City of the Sun God
As MassivelyOP's MJ continues her quest to get The Unseen achievement in TSW, she has run into a few snags. So to brighten her...
The Stream Team: SWTOR’s SCORPIO says what needs to be said
It's almost here. Only one more step stands between Massively OP's MJ and her grand entrance into KOTFE , and that step's name is...
The Stream Team: Black Desert butchery on the single server
Black Friday may be over (thank goodness!), but Black Desert is still here (ditto!), and Massively OP's MJ feels like roaming the world on...
The Stream Team: Post-con MechWarrior Online matches
Massively OP's MJ just got back from MechCon in Vancouver, so she still has MechWarrior Online on the brain. That's plenty of reason to...
The Stream Team: Checking out LOTRO’s chicken ball
Have you ever played chicken ball? Yes -- you heard that right. Chicken ball. LOTRO has a special sport called Hobnanigans that is all...
The Stream Team: Last stand in Gigantic’s last closed beta weekend
Although the color scheme was a bit intense for Massively OP’s MJ, she really liked the whimsy of Gigantic's heroes. She also loved how...
The Stream Team: Completing more SWTOR companion conversations
Her work with Kaliyo (finally) done, Massively OP's MJ can talk to her remaining SWTOR companions in preparation for moving on to the Knights...
The Stream Team: Chilling in HEX’s Frost Ring Arena
With the weather turning chillier outside, Massively OP's mind has turned again to HEX's Frost Ring Arena. She only made it through a few...
The Stream Team: A look at the new Neocron Evolution
Ask, and ye shall receive! By request, Massively OP's MJ is going to pop into Neocron to see what this game is all about....
The Stream Team: Racing toward Riders of Icarus’ first dungeon
Massively OP's MJ needs a few more levels before she can enter Riders of Icarus' first dungeon, so she's going to barrel through as...