working as intended

Working As Intended is Massively Overpowered Editor-in-Chief Bree Royce’s favorite place to muse about game design, the MMO industry, and worlds gone by. Previous entries published on Engadget. [Follow this column’s RSS feed]

Working As Intended: The Fridge Poetry game is the latest distillation of MMORPG PvP

This morning, MOP's Sam busted into MOP's work chat with a link to the Fridge Poetry game. "It's more like an art project than a...

Raph Koster’s new MMORPG is called Stars Reach, and yes, it’s basically Star Wars Galaxies 2

It's June 26th, Star Wars Galaxies' 21st birthday, and I'm sitting on Google Meet talking to none other than MMORPG founding father (and SWG...

Interview: Bohemia on multiplayer sandbox Ylands’ Switch release, Steam development, and games as a service

A few weeks back, we caught wind of a big change for Bohemia Interactive's cutesy multiplayer pirate sandbox Ylands: It's launching on Switch, but...

Working As Intended: The top 10 hot tubs in MMORPGs

It's been a running joke for a few years that I always put hot tubs in my MMO houses whenever possible, and once that...

Everything we learned about the future of Star Trek Online, Neverwinter, & Champions Online from Cryptic’s stream

The knowledge that Cryptic's MMOs have been shunted off to a tiny European corner of the Embracer empire is not news to the MMO...

Working As Intended: 10 more City of Heroes Homecoming base builds you need to see

Back in February, I revived Working As Intended to run a flurry of City of Heroes articles on the heels of Homecoming's formal license,...

First impressions: Final Stand Ragnarok is not Camelot Unchained, but it’s a fun romp anyway

At the top of 2020, when City State Entertainment's Mark Jacobs first announced Final Stand Ragnarok - called Project Colossus back then - it...

Working As Intended: Cloud City apartments and player cities on Star Wars Galaxies Legends

It's been a while since I did a deep-dive into Star Wars Galaxies Legends, the rogue server that's been one of my main MMORPG...

Working As Intended: 10 City of Heroes Homecoming base builds you need to see

This winter, I've been obsessed with City of Heroes Homecoming's supergroup base builds, which as we've previously discussed here in Working As Intended are...

Working As Intended: A guide to City of Heroes Homecoming’s best player-crafted portal bases

A few years ago, I was wandering around in City of Heroes when someone advertised a cool base in chat. All I had to...

Working As Intended: City of Heroes macros and popmenus for noobs

In my first braindump on City of Heroes for this column, I tried to ease superhero fans into the world of modding the 20-year-old...

Working As Intended: Yes, you can make money as a newbie in City of Heroes

Something I've heard over and over from commenters and even newbies in City of Heroes Homecoming ever since the official license was announced is...

Interview: Survival MMO Age of Water on monetization, sandbox play, and the Q1 early access launch

Way back at the end of 2020, we first caught wind of a new sandbox called Age of Water: Developed by Three Whales Studio...

Working As Intended: How to mod City of Heroes Homecoming the easy way

If you played City of Heroes a long time ago - or even back in 2019, when its secret server blossomed into a public...

MassivelyOP’s complete 2023 awards recap and debrief

As we did in 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, and 2022, today we're going to recap our annual awards and other articles from...

Working As Intended: The MMOs we lost in 2023

If preserving MMORPGs is your jam, 2023 was not a great year. The one nice thing I can say about it is that we...

Make My MMO: The biggest MMO crowdfunding stories of 2023

Welcome to a special end-of-the-year edition of Make My MMO, the MassivelyOP column where we - well, I - keep tabs on all of...

Working As Intended: The hits and misses of our 2023 MMO predictions

We've been offering up an MMO predictions list for Massively Overthinking for years upon years now as our writers and readers prognosticate on the...

Star Wars Galaxies Legends is launching a brand-new Wookiee treehouse for Life Day

When we were discussing our Best MMO Housing award last week, I joked to our team that I knew about an amazing housing addition...

Working As Intended: My 20 years of Star Wars Galaxies

Last year, when Ultima Online turned 25 years old, I did a piece reminiscing on those early days and marveling that so much of...