Recently, Larry and I were talking about how much of an altoholic he is in Star Wars: The Old Republic. I think he admitted to something like 22 characters that he plays off and on, which makes me wonder if he’s operating from an alternate universe that has 30 hour days. Anyway, I can’t bust his chops too much because I’m just as bad in different ways.
Even though my limited play time has forced me to focus on one character per MMO that I play, I often cheat on that by whipping up new alts here and there. Usually it’s a case of class envy, of seeing what others have and I don’t. Today I want to be a healer, tomorrow a pet master, that sort of thing. I also love, love, love that “new character” smell and the sense of molding a fresh toon through the levels.
How bad is your altoholism? Which MMOs had you creating an army of alts?