Project Gorgon’s latest patch offers a new dungeon, horse racing, and harder hardcore living


Last week, we noted that indie MMORPG Project Gorgon was due for a foundational update this week, one that paves the way for even more updates – all a good sign from a game whose devs thought last year that they’d have to put it into maintenance mode.

“Summer is finally here — and with it, another big update to the world of Project Gorgon,” Elder Game says. “This one took us a little longer than expected, but we think the results are worth it. New dungeon? Check! New skills? Multiple checks! Performance improvements? Also check! Ongoing QoL improvements? Major check! Combat balance? Progress made! Visual improvements? Looking good! Bug fixes? So many, many bugs have been fixed!”

Most notably, there’s new dungeon content under Povus for groups in the 90-skill-level range:

“The Nightmare expands! Deep under Povus, beyond the frogs, beyond the warren of caves, past the horrific mummies, past even the confused bandits, there sits an elven bureaucrat with a question. This new adventure is intended for a group of six players with level 90+ combat skills and equipment.”

We also spy a revamp of monster buffs, a bunch of ability and gear tweaks, a new horse racing challenge, a more convenient corpse-looting feature, improvements to inventory, quest tracker buffs, and a huge list of QOL adjustments to pore over. Oh yeah, and they made the Hardcore Living skill – the skill that’s supposed to reward hardcore players who fight above their skill level – more hardcore. It’s now even harder to level up. So hardcore.

Source: Patch notes, press release
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