Leaderboard: How much time do you spend playing MMOs relative to non-MMOs?

Morrowind, feat. Westly's Orcs
Morrowind, feat. Westly's Orcs

Some of the responses to this morning’s Daily Grind made me wonder about the balance of playtime MMO players maintain. See what I just did there? I called you all MMO players because that is how I think of myself — an MMO player first, and a gamer second. The non-MMOs I play invariably fill some niche that my current MMOs can’t provide (like modding and sandbox freedom).

But I’m not so sure that’s true of our core audience.

So for today’s Leaderboard poll, examine your playtime: How do MMOs fit in? How much time do you spend playing MMOs relative to non-MMOs?

How much time do you spend playing MMOs relative to non-MMOs?

  • I play only MMOs. (10%, 36 Votes)
  • I play MMOs much more than non-MMOs. (48%, 175 Votes)
  • I play MMOs slightly more than non-MMOs. (11%, 40 Votes)
  • I play MMOs and non-MMOs the same. (8%, 29 Votes)
  • I play non-MMOs slightly more than MMOs. (6%, 23 Votes)
  • I play non-MMOs much more than MMOs. (15%, 53 Votes)
  • I play only non-MMOs. (2%, 7 Votes)

Total Voters: 363

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The screenshot is one of mine from Morrowind and features mods by Westly, Vality, and Vurt, plus Better Bodies.
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