There was always something happening in Pocket D in City of Heroes. You can expect to see people talking it up in Deep Space Nine in Star Trek Online. There are swarms of people hanging out in Ul’dah in Final Fantasy XIV. For various reasons, every MMO has its social hubs, places where players choose to congregate in numbers for roleplaying, talking, or otherwise just hanging out.
All of these hubs are not created equal. Sure, the fleet starbases filled this purpose in Star Wars: The Old Republic, but they were always kind of gray little nothings that didn’t have a heck of a lot of character. By contrast, I always liked Jeuno, which was the main hangout spot for a long time in Final Fantasy XI; the look of the city really worked for me. So what about you, dear readers? What’s your favorite MMO social hangout? Is it still a busy place now, or was it more from the early days of the game? And is it from your game of choice, or was it just a place to congregate that you really liked regardless of your overall playtime?