There are a lot of super valid reasons to not play an MMO. It’s an open PvP game and you don’t like that, for example. You don’t have time for another game and all of your friends play something else. The monetization is predatory. You don’t care about the IP. The gameplay loop isn’t what you think of as fun.
There are also a lot of reasons to not play an MMO that you know are actually kind of terrible, but you still indulge in them. You don’t like click-to-move. You can’t spam jumps because the game lacks jumping. The character models look weird to you. You get the idea. You know it’s a game you would probably like, but your reasons for not playing come down mostly to what you know are not great reasons.
Now, let’s be clear here: Dumb reasons are still reasons, and so long as you don’t try to backfill dumb reasons to actually be good reasons they’re still perfectly valid. But you can also have a sense of humor about having dumb reasons. So what’s your self-admitted dumbest reason for not playing an MMO? Your reason that has nothing to do with business models or gameplay loops, but just weird personal preference like graphical styles or sound design or even disliking the font?