Fallout 76 counts 20 million players as franchise interest continues to spike


It turns out that a whole lot of people are willing to crawl out through the fallout… the Fallout 76, that is. The impact of Amazon’s recent first season of Fallout continues to be felt in Bethesda’s games themselves, as the studio reported that it just crossed 20 million players.

This marks a three-million player increase from its December 2023 high of 17M. Todd Howard called the online RPG “sneaky popular for a while,” with the current Fallout frenzy taking it to a whole new level.

“Depending on the Fallout game, you’re looking at a 4-6x increase in daily players, which is beyond anything I’ve ever seen in my 30 years of doing this,” Howard told Variety.

Source: Twitter, Variety
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