No Man’s Sky’s Aquarius expedition is here with fishing, diving, and skiffs


You’re ’bout to have that Aquarius song from Hair stuck in your head for a few days, and I’m sure Hello Games is sorry about that, but yes, No Man’s Sky’s next big thing is here, and it is indeed called Aquarius. But it’s actually about water stuff and not New Age nonsense, so we’ll take it!

So, what kind of water stuff? Fishing, for a start. “Fishing in No Man’s Sky is a uniquely relaxing experience,” the studio says. “Players can now explore the universe to find their perfect waterside spot, hopping with fish. Sit and relax alone with your thoughts, or stand alongside fellow Travellers as you look out over alien vistas waiting for a bite. The thrill of the catch lies in the fact that you never quite know what you’re going to pull up. The variety of aquatic life ranges vastly from common minnow-like fish to huge alien marine mammals. Catches vary greatly from planet-to-planet and dedicated anglers will have to travel far to find the rarest of fish.”

Naturally, you’ll be doing that fishing from atop your new exo-skiff floating vehicle. The team is also talking up the message-in-a-bottle feature, fish trapping, the new six-week Aquarius expedition, new cooking recipe (spoilers: It’s fish), updated catalogue (with all the fish), diving suits, and plenty more in the patch notes.

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