
Meta tag – this is all the goodies showing in our top carousel! Our very best and most important stuff of the right now. :)


Vague Patch Notes: Everything in an MMORPG is time-limited

Today, I want to talk to you about an event that you can no longer participate in within Final Fantasy XIV. It's an event...
World Orlando Fontaine Warcraft, as always, is contractually obligated to show up here.

Blizzard’s World of Warcraft team just formed a wall-to-wall multidisciplinary WoWGG union

Man, it's been a long, long time coming, but Blizzard Entertainment workers have finally formed a wall-to-wall union, specifically meaning that it includes everyone...

Here’s what to expect from New World’s two-phase Aeternum console beta tomorrow

All right finally here we go: Amazon has just pushed out a big post on what exactly gamers can expect from New World's first...

The Soapbox: Why MMOs are the ultimate creature comforts

As long as I can remember, I've been an avid fan of re-consuming my favorite forms of media. I used to read the same...
Yeah, super, we're all real impressed.

The pre-expansion patch for World of Warcraft: The War Within is live today

Today is the day to kick off the next portion of player adventures within Azeroth... or at least the preamble to the adventures that...

Wisdom of Nym: Final Fantasy XIV’s Arcadion brings the noise

There has been a question that has kind of been bubbling in the background of the entire premise behind Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail, and...

TennoCon 2024: Soulframe’s creative customization and a preview of preludes

With how much I am looking forward to the launch of Soulframe, you better believe I was eagerly anticipating seeing and hearing more about...
This plan sure worked!

WoW Factor: The mulligan problem in World of Warcraft’s narrative

In World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade, Illidan Stormrage gets killed. This isn't actually a surprising end for the character. Illidan as a person...

Ultima Online previews New Legacy’s themepark stylings in its new gameplay video

I need to warn you before you click on this trailer: If you played original Ultima Online back in the day, the opening notes...

Path of Exile’s Settlers of Kalguur tackles real-time mechanics with city building

The Grinding Gear rooster has crowed, signifying the dawn of a new expansion and league. And what might they be? Welcome to Path of...

Vague Patch Notes: How widespread free-to-play impacted MMORPGs

In 2009, Dungeons & Dragons Online went free-to-play, which was a pretty big deal at the time. It was especially important to me, since...

Former Blizzard and Funcom dev Craig Morrison is working on a cozy true crime MMORPG backed by NetEase

Cast your mind back to summer 2021, and you might recall that was when World of Warcraft's Craig Morrison - best known to MMORPG...

Perfect Ten: Why World of Warcraft’s Legion was a top-tier expansion

While a lot of long-time World of Warcraft players will point to Wrath of the Lich King as the high point of the MMO,...

The No Man’s Sky Worlds ‘universe refresh’ is why you’re playing No Man’s Sky this weekend

You know that whenever Hello Games and Sean Murray start dropping cryptic teasers so they'll trend on Reddit, a new No Man's Sky update...

Choose My Adventure: Slipping back in to the simple pleasures of Elite Dangerous

Last week's original Choose My Adventure plans took a backseat to my Soapbox on Dawntrail, so thank you for bearing with me on that,...

Not So Massively: The problem with The First Descendant’s character unlock mechanics

The First Descendant has made quite a splash since it launched earlier this month. Nexon's looter shooter, dubbed "Warframe with waifus" by the greater...
Hey folks.

Wisdom of Nym: Final Fantasy XIV Dawntrail’s delightfully light role quests

Something that happens sometimes with Final Fantasy XIV is that it takes the team a couple of tries to get a new idea right....
Get back.

WoW Factor: Blizzard started listening to World of Warcraft players for a reason its leadership doesn’t want to say

I have a few different conflicting thoughts when it comes to the most recent interview with World of Warcraft game director Ion Hazzikostas, or...

Vague Patch Notes: Yes, tutorials are a good thing in MMORPGs

For those of you who haven't been reading the site for a while or just don't keep this in your head, I'm going to...

Crowdfunded MMORPG Pantheon Rise of the Fallen is launching early access in December

Who had this one on the ol' 2024 bingo card? Pantheon is gunning for an ambitious early access launch in December - yes, that...