One of the best things about the MMO genre is that games can still be updated and evolve no matter how long in the tooth they may be. Take the example of Myst Online: Uru Live, the multiplayer version of the classic point-and-click puzzle adventure Myst that first arrived in the early 2000’s, which is now getting an all-new Age added to it today from developer Cyan Worlds.
This new age, called Tiam, is described as “an age that was created for a family to relax and enjoy the fresh air and sunshine” and invites players to unlock the area and explore how that family spent its time there. The Tiam Age can be accessed from the Chiso Preniv Library, and there will even be an opening ceremony in-game today at 3:00 p.m. EST, featuring a short presentation and the addition of the linking book. Instructions on how to get to the Chiso Preniv Library are here, while instructions on how to play Uru Live are here.
While this is a new official release, readers will recall that the game further moved into open source territory, unlocking a bunch of classic game assets in June 2021. If you’re curious to learn more about this still-running bit of multiplayer gaming, our own Game Archaeologist column took a dive into the game’s twisting history. Or you could, apparently, just fire up the game and experience what’s new yourself.