A few weeks back, we penned an Overthinking trying to sort out the second-top-five MMOs after the accepted top five MMOs, and in the course of putting together that article and reading the comments, I saw a lot of wishful thinking. Some people were just listing MMOs they liked and played, MMOs that we know have tiny playerbases, MMOs that have been open about their financial struggles, MMOs whose concurrencies are visible right out in the open on SteamCharts or whatever.
But I understand it. I bet all of us have MMOs that we think are more popular than they actually are. Heck, I have one that I somehow simultaneously think is less popular and more popular than it actually is; I can look directly as its corporate reporting and think, Huh it’s much bigger than it should be but also still much smaller than I would’ve thought. This doesn’t even make sense. But I think it’s down to knowledge – knowing that a game is great and thinking it deserves better from its studio and the gamers of the genre.
You tell me – which MMOs out there are simply not getting their due from players for various reasons? Which MMO deserves to be more popular?