Bree Royce

Bree Royce


Bree is an unrepentant escapist with a predilection for MMOs. When not compulsively proofreading cereal boxes and newspapers, she can be found modding, PvPing on the auction hall, and touring the Next Big Thing with her guild on a quest for the elusive perfect game.

Working As Intended and Ask Mo are her pet op-ed columns, but she also pens Daily Grinds and compiles Massively Overthinking, the Week in Review, and Make My MMO. You can hear her ramble about MMOs every week on the Massively OP podcast. If you're nice, she'll even talk about something other than Star Wars Galaxies.

Personal blog: Skycandy
Twitter: @nbrianna
Favorite MMOs: Star Wars Galaxies, City of Heroes, Lord of the Rings Online, Guild Wars, Guild Wars 2, Ultima Online

The Daily Grind: Are we ever going to see a WoW-killer-killer?

On this week's Massively OP Podcast, Justin and I tried to answer a question from a listener named Kenny, who proposed that we consider...

Massively Overthinking: The ‘next’ EverQuest

This week's Massively Overthinking comes to us from Patreon donor Roger, who fully admits he still has EverQuest Next on the brain. "Since we won't...

ARK: Survival Evolved introduces ridable direbear and manta ray

ARK: Survival Evolved marches on this week, seemingly undaunted by last week's studio settlement with Trendy, so players can rejoice that the content is...

Korean analysts believe Blade & Soul’s western launch generated $17M in new revenue

Korean investment firm KDB Daewoo Securities has published its outlook on MMO giant NCsoft for the past and coming quarter. "We estimate Blade & Soul...

Help stress test Fragmented tonight

Fragmented is plotting a stress test tonight in prep for its early access launch next week. Above & Beyond says that participation in its Repopulation-spinoff...

The Elder Scrolls Legends TCG is finally making its closed beta move

Remember Elder Scrolls Legends, the online TCG that Bethsoft teased at last year's E3? The one that was supposed to launch in 2015? The...

Want to play Riders of Icarus’ closed beta? Get a key from Nexon and MOP! [All gone now!]

Riders of Icarus is Nexon's latest entry to the MMORPG market, and starting tonight it's heading into its second closed beta phase (and yes, there...

EVE Fanfest 2016: EVE Online’s Citadel trailer, CSM results, and stream

Videos and news bits are trickling in from this year's EVE Fanfest, where CCP has just shown a video feature tour of the Citadel expansion that...
I Am Jack's Total Lack of Surprise

PAX East 2016: LawBreakers’ alpha gameplay trailer features Ice-T

If the voiceover on this "premium digital game" LawBreakers trailer sounds familiar, that's because it's Ice-T, whom Nexon has dubbed the "OG lawbreaker." I...

Check out SWTOR’s upcoming weapon effect customization

When Chapter 14 Profit and Plunder takes over Star Wars: The Old Republic next month, players will be getting a new weapon customizing system...

EVE Fanfest 2016: Full cross-platform play is planned for EVE: Valkyrie

EVE: Valkyrie will eventually be playable fully cross-platform, according to a presentation given today during EVE Fanfest 2016. The game has already launched on the...

Guild Wars 2 now has an unofficial mobile app called GW2 Sidekick

If you're still bummed because the once-promised official Guild Wars 2 companion app never materialized, how about a consolation prize in the form of...

Perfect World International lands on Steam with new player housing system

Perfect World is intent this week on rolling out the remainder of its MMORPG catalogue to Steam. Earlier this year, we saw Swordsman take...

Tree of Savior hikes prices, delays F2P launch following exploitative token arbitrage

We've got a bit more clarity today on the financial impact of Tree of Savior's recent wave of bot and exploiter bannings and the...

SMITE caster departs Hi-Rez after live rant on formerly suicidal donor

Let's imagine that you're a studio-funded caster for a major MOBA. A fan joins your stream, donates $5, and tells you that he was...
Could mean anything.

Marvel Heroes treks to Asia, new platforms this summer

Gazillion announced this morning that it's partnering with cloud-streaming service Ubitus to launch Marvel Heroes in South Korea and Japan this summer with China...

Cube World demos glider physics, maps, and new skills

Back in December, we reported that Cube World had resumed development after nearly a year and a half of nearly silent alpha (and a...

‘Blood will flow’: Elder Scrolls Online video previews Dark Brotherhood DLC

Taking candy from babies is all well and good for you sneaky Thieves Guild ne'er-do-wells, but what if you're more the stabbin' type? Strap on...

Guild Wars 2 isn’t selling level 80 boosts, might consider raid difficulty modes

If you missed last night's Guild Wars 2 Ask Me Anything on Reddit because you were too busy actually playing the update, then you...

The Black Death is now available through Steam early access

It's April 19th, which means it's early access launch day for The Black Death survival sandbox, the only kind of multiplayer game being made anymore....