Justin Olivetti
Lord of the Rings Online’s new server might banish you from its Nazgul world boss fights
What would it be like if an MMORPG created a huge world boss fight... and then kicked you out for daring to show up?...
The MOP Up: Spellfarers lets you dabble in moon magic
The recently launched magic life sim Spellfarers Update 0.511 arrived with "lots of fixes, including to cooking, a new stove for Ilo's kitchen, minor...
One Shots: Remembering in peace
When a beloved player falls, a studio may honor that memory by including him or her as part of the game world. While our...
Skull and Bones’ Into the Dragon’s Wake kicks off a new season on August 22
Just when you finally got your pirate vessel fully insured, along comes a new ship and cannons to blow up your deductible. Yet look...
LOTRO Legendarium: Yondershire is one of the most fun zones in LOTRO
Thanks to the encouragement provided by Lord of the Rings Online's new legendary servers, I've been enjoying a couple weeks of blissful low-level adventuring...
Ashes of Creation’s year-long NDA-free Alpha Two starts October 25
In the Ashes of Creation community, the phrase "Alpha Two" almost has a hallowed significance to it due to how long it's been in...
The Daily Grind: What’s the most annoying type of MMO mob to fight?
Not all mobs are designed equally in MMOs, which means that some end up far more annoying to fight than others.
Personally, I've never been...
Survival sandbox Enshrouded racks up three million players this year so far
It turns out that a whole lot of people like pick-axing their way to success, if survival sandbox Enshrouded's history this year is any...
Dual Universe lets players host their own private servers starting next week
While Dual Universe didn't quite take the world by storm with its scifi sandbox offerings, developer Nova Quark is hoping that the ability to...
Embers Adrift lays out the rest of its summer celebration schedule
The second and final part of Embers Adrift's summer celebration is underway, and Stormhaven Studios welcomed players and newcomers alike to participate in the...
The Soapbox: Feeling the FOMO effect of positive MMO news
It was the other week that I saw the very unexpected headline right here on MOP: "Daybreak bought Palia studio Singularity 6 and aims...
Lord of the Rings Online starts testing special summer ‘Dragon’ dungeon
While Lord of the Rings Online's Update 41 ended up being kind of a bust, SSG may have another chance to salvage the summer...
World of Warcraft shares The War Within launch details and explains hero talents
Are you prepared for the onset of World of Warcraft's latest expansion? It's almost here, but if you really can't wait until next week...
Perfect Ten: My 10 favorite MMO pet classes of all time
I've had to face the fact that among the MOP team, I'm in somewhat of a minority who actually likes -- nay, passionately loves...
Lord of the Rings Online’s Update 41.1 makes wraiths less bothersome as the Farmer’s Faire begins
On the day of the great Farmer's Faire, the Free Peoples of Middle-earth gather beneath the Party Tree in the Shire to receive the...
Dungeons and Dragons Online has just launched its ninth expansion, Myth Drannor
You antsy Guild Wars 2 and World of Warcraft players can settle down for a bit -- today is Dungeons and Dragons Online's time...
The Daily Grind: How do you feel about Guild Wars 2’s chances with Janthir Wilds?
Considering what an insanely busy summer it's been already and how much is yet to come in August, I have some concerns that Guild...
Massively OP Podcast Episode 480: Fashion is the real MMO endgame
Justin and Bree sit for a theme show focused on MMO fashion, discussing cosmetic mechanics, monetization, armor art, cool fashion mechanics, fashion crimes, and even their favorite tips for looking stylish.
Dofus kicks off a beta test for its five-years-in-the-making Unity version
It's been five years in the making, but quirky MMO Dofus is on the cusp of switching over game engines from Flash to Unity....
LOTRO preps Farmer’s Faire, new legendary reward track, and progression server changes
Dear Lord of the Rings Online players, here's a friendly word to help you prepare for a lot of things that are happening in...