Tina Lauro Pollock



Tina is the purveyor of Massively Overpowered's MMO Mechanics and Guild Chat columns, and is the newly installed writer of the long-running Flameseeker Chronicles for Guild Wars 2. She is hard at work on her first video game, the indie space 4X game Predestination.

Twitter: @purpletinabeans

MMO Mechanics: 2016’s MMORPG mechanics in review

The holiday season is finally upon us: My decorations are resurrected from their dark corner of my storage closets once more, Jack Frost is...

Flameseeker Chronicles: Unpacking Guild Wars 2’s A Crack in the Ice

I've covered plenty of ground since my initial impressions piece went live last week, and I'm hoping that you've had time to play Guild Wars...

First impressions of Guild Wars 2’s A Crack in the Ice episode

ArenaNet gave us all word of a seasonably frosty addition to the Guild Wars 2 Living World story last week: The third instalment of season...

Flameseeker Chronicles: Five reasons to buy Guild Wars 2’s Heart of Thorns while it’s on sale

Ever since Guild Wars 2's first expansion released, retired players or MMO hoppers have been insisting in comments across the internet that they would only...

Guild Chat: Climbing the guild rank ladder in MMORPG raiding

Welcome along to another edition of Guild Chat, the column in which both reader and writer alike join forces to help someone in need...

Flameseeker Chronicles: Amazing Guild Wars 2 in-game Halloween costumes

I've devoured all of my homemade pumpkin pasties and downed the last of my butterbeer while enjoying the Halloween festivities in Guild Wars 2, gaining...

Guild Chat: Trying out for a hardcore MMORPG guild

Welcome along to another advice-filled edition of Guild Chat, the column dedicated to helping readers solve their guild-related dilemmas with both my help and...

Flameseeker Chronicles: Gaming playstyles, science, and Guild Wars 2

I was curious recently about what specific personality traits or personal qualities lead to my enjoyment of MMOs in general and Guild Wars 2 in particular,...

MMO Mechanics: Enhancing MMORPGs with experiential learning mechanics

Ever since I considered the responses to a Massively Overthinking article in which a developer asked if a prestige system to encourage replaying an...

Flameseeker Chronicles: Fully unpacking Guild Wars 2’s Rising Flames

I've been aching to share more of my thoughts about Guild Wars 2's second Living World instalment for Season 3 and am finally convinced that enough...

Guild Chat: Solving more officer conflicts in MMO guilds

Welcome along to another loaded edition of Guild Chat, the place where guildies in need of some solid advice can pose a query and...

Flameseeker Chronicles: First impressions of Guild Wars 2’s Rising Flames

Logging into your Guild Wars 2 account right now will grant you access to an absolute treat in the form of episode 2 of the...

Guild Chat: Solving officer conflicts

Welcome along to another advice-packed edition of Guild Chat, the column in which I offer up my opinions on how best to solve a...

Flameseeker Chronicles: Thoughts on Guild Wars 2’s Ring of Fire episode reveal

We've been promised a whole list of newness for Episode 2 of Guild Wars 2's latest Living World season, which will be with us by...

Guild Chat: Minors and MMOs: Family-friendly guilds

Welcome along to another advice-filled edition of Guild Chat for a double-bill of advice for better facilitating junior players in guilds. I received two...

Flameseeker Chronicles: What to do in Guild Wars 2 between season 3 episodes

Many MMOs, Guild Wars 2 included, face a well-documented but oft-unaddressed problem: What can players do to fill the time in between content gaps? The topic...

MMO Mechanics: No Man’s Sky is mechanically genius (an ode to procedural generation)

No Man's Sky has been on my hotly anticipated list for so long, and you might remember that it has had particular mention in a...

Flameseeker Chronicles: Unpacking Guild Wars 2’s Out of the Shadows

I figure that it's been long enough for the majority of you to have run through Guild War's 2's first instalment of the Living...

Guild Chat: Recruiting for your MMORPG guild ahead of WoW Legion

Welcome along to Guild Chat, my column in which I join forces with commenters to help a reader in need with a guild-related concern....

Flameseeker Chronicles: Guild Wars 2’s new Living Story has launched

Wowee, is it ever a massive day in the life of my favourite MMO! If you log in right now, you'll notice three greatly...