
See: AdventureQuest 3D

The Stream Team: Friday the 13th in AQ3D includes a pirates vs. ninjas war

Friday the 13th is Massively OP's MJ's favorite day, and it is best spent in AQ3D! This time, besides some Shade fare, there's a...

The Stream Team: Bob-O and doggoes in AQ3D

Between last week's and this week's AdventureQuest 3D releases, Massively OP's MJ has a fun combination of content to partake in. She'll get to...
Still here!

Perfect Ten: Underrated MMOs that deserve a second look in 2024

We've all been there at one time or another. We've been playing the same-old favorite MMO for a long time and then suddenly feel...

The Stream Team: Diving in AQ3D’s Deep Sea Grotto

It's finally time to go for a swim! Massively OP's MJ had to level up before she could enter AdventureQuest 3D's Deep Sea Grotto,...

The Stream Team: The Lost Armory of AQ3D’s Nulgath

It's a new week, you say? So new content in AQ3D? Yup! It may only be new Nulgath daily quests, but there are also...

The Stream Team: Avoiding a fashion cat-astropy with a new AQ3D onesie

Even with so many super cool cosmetic pieces in AdventureQuest 3D, Massively OP's MJ gets stuck in a rut wearing the same favorite thing...

The Stream Team: There’s gnome problem in AdventureQuest 3D

With a little bit of grinding, Massively OP's MJ was able to make it high enough to finally enter the newest dungeons in AdventureQuest...

The Stream Team: Water wings and other AQ3D tidbits

Some days it's not about doing a grand story adventure, but just meandering through the odds and ends of unfinished business. And that's what...

The Stream Team: Summer sun and fun in AQ3D

The heat is really bearing down in Massively OP's MJ, so she's going to enjoy cooling off at the beach -- even if only...

The Stream Team: Celebrating the 8th AQ3D-iversary

As of today, Massively OP's MJ has been enjoying AdventureQuest 3D for eight years! So she decided to celebrate in Lore on her 8th...

The Stream Team: Payback in AQ3D’s Deep Grotto dungeon

Sadly, Massively OP's MJ lost out on the participating in the summer war in AdventureQuest 3D while she was out of the country. She's...

The Stream Team: On the path to AQ3D’s new Oracle class

A new class has just surfaced in AdventureQuest 3D -- the Oracle! Filled to the brim with phenomenal cosmic powers (but not confined to...

The Stream Team: Acquiring rubber ducky and Cosmic Raiment hats in AdventureQuest 3D

Hats off to Friday! Or for AdventureQuest 3D, it's more like hats on. This week introduces two great new hats for Massively OP's MJ...

The Stream Team: Hurray for more AQ3D housing features

What does Massively OP's MJ love the most in MMOs? If you said housing, you wouldn't be wrong. (Even if it's tied at the...

The Stream Team: AQ3D’s Bob-O Saltiest Seadog in the Sea and the Azurecrest Lance

Massively OP's MJ returns to Lolosia in AdventureDuest 3D to investigate a suspicious character for the Gunpowder Mary, the Governor of Lolosia. With a...

The Stream Team: Springtime flower power in AdventureQuest 3D

Spring has fully sprung (and even moved on to summer is some places!), and Massively OP's MJ is going to take some time to...

The Stream Team: Continuing to collect AQ3D’s cosmic raiment

It's been quite a while since Massively OP's MJ has worked on collecting the cosmic raiment pieces in AdventureQuest 3D; she can't even remember...

The Stream Team: May the 4th be with you in AQ3D

May 4th may not be until tomorrow, but since when did Massively OP's MJ conform to the notion of celebrating things for just one...

The Stream Team: Towards The Wandering Light in AQ3D’s cemetery

Not much has happened in AQ3D's cemetery (wait, isn't that a good thing?!?). Until now. The latest update brings in Lady Phimion, who is...

The Stream Team: Answering A Plea from the Woods in AQ3D for Earth Day

Earth Day is all about focusing on helping the world, and for Massively OP's MJ, that includes the land of Lore! It's especially important...