AdventureQuest 3D invites you to move into its new player housing


AdventureQuest 3D is the latest MMORPG to jump on this newfangled “player housing” fad: Artix Entertainment opened up the ability for players to construct and decorate a personal abode of their own.

“Housing is making its grand entrance into Adventure Quest 3D this week,” the studio said. “Make your way to the Battleon Trade District and have a chat with the B.U.I.L.D. Foreman, Brigitte. She’ll set you on an introductory quest that culminates in you acquiring your very own house! What does this mean for you? Well, as the valiant hero of Lore, you now have a cozy abode to call your own. But wait, there’s more! As a player, this feature grants you the power to customize a delightful slice of Lore.”

The houses are instanced and can be filled with a wide array of items — items that feature collision, allowing for “mini parkour areas” and other design decisions. This week’s patch also updates the Battleon Museum feature and brings back the Clover Crusaders for the Lucky Day event.

MOP’s MJ swung through the new housing in her Friday night stream if you want a peek!

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