The Stream Team: Towards The Wandering Light in AQ3D’s cemetery


Not much has happened in AQ3D’s cemetery (wait, isn’t that a good thing?!?). Until now. The latest update brings in Lady Phimion, who is also known as The Wandering Light, to cleanse the cemetery of a secretive group of necromancer wannabes affiliated with the Cult of Mortis. Massively OP’s MJ will assist Lady Phimion in wiping out those death magic practitioners before Battleon becomes ground zero of a zombie apocalypse. Tune in live at 8:00 p.m. for some cemetery cleaning duty.

What: AdventureQuest 3D
Who: MJ Guthrie
When: 8:00 p.m. EDT on Friday, April 26th, 2024

The show is over now, but we’ve embedded it here just for you. Don’t forget to check out our past streams and videos collection, and stay tuned for our next show!

July 26, 2024
  • 2:00pm EDT: The First Descendant - Chris

  • 8:00pm EDT: AdventureQuest 3D - MJ

July 27, 2024
  • 4:00pm EDT: V Rising - MJ

July 28, 2024
  • 2:00pm EDT: Final Fantasy XIV - Chris

July 29, 2024
  • 8:00pm EDT: Elder Scrolls Online - MJ

July 30, 2024
  • 8:00pm EDT: Guild Wars 2 - MJ

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