beta impressions


Beta impressions: Babylon’s Fall is a fun co-op looter-slasher in need of some release polish

Here is a funny story that is also entirely true. Square-Enix PR reached out to us to see if we were interested in covering...

Hands-on with The Division’s beta: From character creation to Dark Zone PvP

A couple of weekends back, I -- like many other players -- took part in the beta weekend for Ubisoft's upcoming MMO shooter, The...

Blade & Soul founder packs are now available for planned Q1 2016 launch

I was very excited to sit down during Gamescom with Nicolas Coutant, producer at NCSOFT West, about the upcoming US and Europe release of...
When the most notable thing about you is your game's engine, maybe it's time to give up.

Take a look at God Slayer Online’s first beta test

Are you doing most of your god slaying offline at this point? You might be able to benefit from God Slayer Online, then, because...
Try to survive!

Skyforge’s beta is surprisingly satisfying

I can safely say that what I got when I first fired up Skyforge was not, in fact, what I had been hoping I...