
Spun out of EA as one of the last remnants of Mythic Entertainment, Broadsword now runs Ultima Online and Dark Age of Camelot.

Star Wars The Old Republic officially kicks off public testing of Game Update 7.6

Did the features promised last week for Star Wars: The Old Republic get you excited to fire up the public test server and try...

Ultima Online details New Legacy’s skill progression in a new video

With Ultima Online's first annual New Legacy server underway earlier this week, Broadsword has begun releasing new videos explaining the game to newcomers. Might...

Dark Age of Camelot marks its 23rd birthday with gifts and realm bonuses

While some MMOs we could name are preening their feathers at becoming 20 years old this year, Dark Age of Camelot is like, "Oh...

Ultima Online officially launches its first year-long New Legacy server and ClassicUO compatibility

New World isn't the only MMO with a big launch today: 27-year-old MMORPG Ultima Online also picked October 15th, 2024, for the rollout of...
This is not Permea.

Global Chat: Does the MMO genre need a good rebranding?

As we all seem to love the topic of MMO definitions, it's with little surprise to see blogs discuss it as well. Contains Moderate...

Star Wars The Old Republic readies public testing of its next lair boss and dynamic events system soon

Star Wars: The Old Republic game director Eric Musco has some fresh details about the game's incoming Game Update 7.6: Galactic Threads patch -...
Keep your cat in a box.

Massively Overthinking: How do you stop MMOs from feeling like (or becoming) a part-time job?

In last week's Choose My Adventure, MOP's Chris penned a perfect paragraph summing up the paradox of MMORPGs - it doesn't even matter what...
Sorry for blur.

Vague Patch Notes: What is good meaningful leveling in MMORPGs?

All right. So we are here at long last, at the end of Leveling Month, although it's actually more like Month And A Bit....

Massively OP Podcast Episode 488: Amazon vs Amazon

Justin and Bree discuss Ultima Online New Legacy, New World Aeternum, Throne and Liberty, Lord of the Rings Online's Legacy of Morgoth, and fall expansions for EverQuest and EverQuest II, with adventures in World of Warcraft, LOTRO, and Guild Wars 2, plus a mailbag topic on what we're willing to do for long-term MMO rewards.
Fine. This is how we live now.

Star Wars: The Old Republic previews the Feast of Prosperity starting on October 8

Quick, what's the best way to restore fear in a galactic crime syndicate overseen by corpulent slugs? If you said "throwing a gigantic feast...

The Daily Grind: What’s the weirdest personal challenge you’ve set for yourself in an MMO?

A few weeks back, I saw a post on Reddit about an MMO player who had decided to set himself a bizarre project: to...

Ultima Online’s New Legacy will finally launch October 15

If you noticed that Ultima Online's New Legacy stress test came to an end on Tuesday without, you know, an actual date for the...

One Shots: Even monsters should brush their teeth

Imaginations being what they are, I've spent perhaps too much time thinking about what sentient monster lives are like when we're not beating the...
every day i owlin'

Massively Overthinking: Do you expect compensation for MMORPG trainwrecks?

Earlier this week, Blizzard admitted that a major bug had resulted in serious and permanent data loss for some World of Warcraft players, including...

Ultima Online devs are working with ClassicUO modders to rehab the ancient client and renderer

We're going for a record here, clearly! This will mark the third time we've needed to write about Ultima Online this week, what with...

Perfect Ten: The MMO races that nobody ever seems to choose

Just because an MMORPG offers a wide array of character options doesn't mean that player interest will be equally divided among them. We've long...

Star Wars The Old Republic opens tester signups for its native Mac launcher

Surprised but pleased by last week's announcement that Star Wars The Old Republic is getting a native Mac client? We were too. And now,...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 486: Amazon’s daring October gambits

Justin and Bree discuss Throne & Liberty's early access, World of Warcraft's data loss fiasco, SWTOR's Mac client, Guild Wars 2's new PvP mode, Pantheon's December early access, and New World's Aeternum and season, with adventures in GW2, WoW, and LOTRO.

Ultima Online has officially turns 27 years old today as it kicks off its final New Legacy stress test

So listen, an MMORPGs 27th birthday is not a big deal, except in the sense that I can count on less than one hand...

Ultima Online will run one more New Legacy stress test starting tomorrow, its 27th birthday

Last week, we noted that Ultima Online had counted eight beta tests for its New Legacy server already and was running out of time...