cma 2023 lost ark
Choose My Adventure: Wrestling with disappointment, boredom, and comfort in Lost Ark’s jump start server
It was probably asking a lot of myself to cut through Lost Ark as quickly as possible so that I could get to the...
Choose My Adventure: Exploring Lost Ark’s jump start server and a regular XP-boosted character
Last week was a close vote here in Choose My Adventure World Land slash Waffle House. The vote came down to one person casting...
Choose My Adventure: Slayer time with slightly boosted XP in Lost Ark
So I kind of made a mistake in my comeback to Lost Ark. I apparently did have at least one Powerpass to burn up,...
Choose My Adventure: Trialing and testing in Trixion before returning to Lost Ark
I'm going to preface my return to Choose My Adventure by noting that I've had a very busy few days. It's been a good...