The Daily Grind: What’s the ideal length for MMO group content?
An average run of content in Final Fantasy XIV is going to take me about half an hour... usually. It's actually more fiddly than...
The Daily Grind: How often do you check your MMO playtime?
My main character in Final Fantasy XIV is fast approaching a year of total playtime. That isn't entirely surprising, since she's been in the...
The Daily Grind: Do veteran rewards make you more likely to subscribe to an MMO?
I believe I've gone on the record before as saying I rather like veteran rewards. It's nice to know that subscribing to Final Fantasy...
The Daily Grind: What’s the longest you’ve played a single MMO without breaks?
I'm not actually sure what MMO I've played the longest without a single straight-up break. If I haven't unsubscribed, it's not really a break....
The Daily Grind: How long do you have your subscriptions set up for?
I had not put my Final Fantasy XIV account on anything more extended than month-by-month billing for the longest time. Which is kind of...