Vague Patch Notes: If you have my money, you’d better have my video game
So over the last couple of weeks Lord of the Rings Online has made itself quite a mess to clean up. It's not the...
Perfect Ten: Short but mighty playable MMO races
I like short races in MMOs. Not exclusively, but if there is an option to go small or go home, you can bet that...
MMO Hype Train: Why are Monsters & Memories’ vibes so intriguing?
What attracts you to an upcoming MMORPG project? There are a few factors in my mind that result in a rather quick assessment of...
Vague Patch Notes: Learning to hate the MMORPGs you love
I had to teach myself how to hate Star Trek Online. It didn't come naturally to me.
If you've read the stuff that I've written...
Perfect Ten: The strangest weapons you wind up using in MMORPGs
Human beings have been using things as weapons for about as long as human beings have had hands and needed to hit stuff. That's...
Massively Overthinking: What should MMO corpse runs look like in 2025?
A couple of years ago - yeah, I save weird things in my "ideas bin" folder - MMO designer Damion Schubert tweeted about a...
Perfect Ten: Ranking real-world holidays in MMOs from worst to best
There are really only two categories of MMO festivities: the ones made up for the game itself and the ones "inspired" by real-world holidays....
Vague Patch Notes: The MMO starter experiences that fear new players
Last week, I talked a bit about power creep. But buried in there was something that you could easily miss as a guideline for...
WoW Factor: Six player-created challenges to spice up your World of Warcraft leveling
It seems almost impossible to play video games for extended periods of time and not fall into some sort of rut or routine. We...
Vague Patch Notes: Talking about power creep in MMOs
"Power creep" is a nasty term when talking about video games, and usually whenever it gets brought up, it gets brought up as a...
The Soapbox: Difficulty is a means to an end in MMORPGs
A few weeks back, I took a peak into Corepunk's early access build, and I promptly got my ass kicked by even the most...
Warframe of Mind: How do you find the Warframe you want to play?
I've been circling around writing this column for a while because it is absolutely the most important possible thing for anyone to decide in Warframe,...
Perfect Ten: MMOs with the very best soundtracks
I've long had an affection for video game music and feel content to live in an age where I can actually obtain it and...
Wisdom of Nym: So, how has dropping Hard dungeons worked out for Final Fantasy XIV?
In the run-up to Shadowbringers, we learned that Final Fantasy XIV was not going to be doing Hard dungeons any longer. The reason given was...
MMO Hype Train: Rooting for Project Gorgon in light of tremendous loss
In a different timeline, I think I would've been one of those players who entered the MMO space through Asheron's Call. I remember going to...
Vague Patch Notes: Understanding what you understand in MMOs
One of the most dangerous and yet often-used phrases to say to anyone when it comes to pretty much any media is to claim...
Perfect Ten: 10 MMO games, events, and ideas hitting the decade mark in 2025
A decade is a long time. It's kind of weird that we don't think much about games or shows or whatever hitting the decade...
LOTRO Legendarium: Baubles are the stealth feature LOTRO needed
Cast your memory back to last fall when Lord of the Rings Online's current expansion, Legacy of Morgoth, was announced. While there was excitement...
Casually Classic: Why vanilla Classic’s quest system was an industry revolution
In every retrospective covering World of Warcraft's explosive success out of the gate, there's a lot of effort spent trying to put a finger...
Vague Patch Notes: How long do online games truly get to live?
I'm going to start this article by asking a question I don't actually want an answer to: How long has Minecraft been popular?
Objectively there...