gift guide
Massively OP’s holiday gift guide for EVE Online players
Most of my friends know that I'm into EVE Online and yet they still tell me I'm notoriously difficult to buy gifts for. EVE...
Massively OP’s holiday gift guide for Marvel Heroes & superhero MMO fans
If you're a superhero fan or close to someone who is, you are certainly not lacking for options as to where to spend gobs...
Massively OP’s holiday gift guide for the shooter and console MMO fan
Well, I'm still playing the hell out of Star Wars: Battlefront, despite its many (many) faults! It may just be the Star Wars feels, but this...
Massively OP’s holiday gift guide for Guild Wars 2 players
It's been a glorious, if very long and busy, year for Guild Wars 2, so I'm sure ArenaNet is eager to see Wintersday approaching at...
Massively OP’s holiday gift guide for total MMO newbies
If you're anything like me, you probably have a tough time deciding what kinds of gifts to buy all of your totally real, not-at-all...
Massively OP’s holiday gift guide for the MMO peripheral junkie
I'm not going to lie, folks: I love peripherals. Love 'em. As soon as I was introduced to the idea that you could have...