gta v
Rockstar Games levels lawsuit against Australian Grand Theft Auto V cheat creators
It's certainly not uncommon these days to hear of game studios taking action against the authors of hacks and cheats for their games, but...
Grand Theft Auto Online introduces the Mammoth Patriot SUV and the Chariot Romero Hearse
The folks at Rockstar Games have added some sweet new rides to Grand Theft Auto Online with its update this week: the new Mammoth...
The MOP Up: Portal Knights splits up the party (August 13, 2017)
The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...
Rockstar publishes tips for making the most of GTA’s editor
Are you overwhelmed with the possibilities inherent in Rockstar's GTA V and GTA Online editor? If so, consider reading yesterday's tip article focused on capturing footage....
GTA V and GTA Online now available on PC
A little game called Grand Theft Auto V launched last night. You may have heard of it. Well, technically it launched on the PC,...