into the super-verse

Into the Super-Verse is superhero MMO feature column by Justin Olivetti and Eliot Lefebvre. They’re covering all superhero MMOs, past, present, and future! [Follow this column’s RSS feed]

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Into the Super-Verse: No, I do not want Daybreak’s Marvel MMO

Greetings, true believers! This particular column is actually not the result of reader requests but specifically from our editor, who has long noted that...

Into the Super-Verse: The joy of travel powers in superhero MMOs

I lived for level 14. Before level 14 was torture -- after was bliss. I speak, of course, of City of Heroes "back in the...

Into the Super-verse: A look back at superhero MMOs in 2021

Superhero fans were not lacking in news, games, and events this past year, and there's always the promise of much more to come in...
City again.

Into the Super-Verse: Has Homecoming torched the plans of City of Heroes successors?

Anyone who has followed my career for a while is probably aware of the fact that I love City of Heroes. This is not a...
When the lights go down in the city.

Design Mockument: Fresh ideas for City of Heroes 2 in 2021

Back in 2019, I had the idea to make Design Mockument semi-regular column because I like doing this sort of thing. I put out...

Into the Super-verse: First impressions of Ship of Heroes’ mission beta

With other City of Heroes spiritual successors lagging behind in development, the weight of our hope for the future of superhero MMOs lays upon...
This was a thing.

Into the Super-verse: Will we ever get a Marvel MMORPG?

While DC Universe Online is coasting high on its success in Year Ten, it feels a shame that there's no Marvel MMORPG to match...

Into the Super-verse: A heroic year of superhero MMO development

As we get ready to tuck 2020 into the annals of history and venture into the wilds of 2021, it's a good time for...

Into the Super-verse: Marvel’s Avengers feels like Marvel Heroes by way of Destiny

This past weekend, I finally had a chance to actually try out Marvel's Avengers because the game was running its open beta. Certainly I'd already...

Into the Super-verse: Early impressions of Valiance Online

When I heard that Valiance Online was going to be running an open beta this week to coincide with the PlayNYC convention, I knew...
How near, how far.

Into the Super-verse: Seven tips for designing amazing MMO superhero costumes

While we all know that the real endgame in any MMORPG is fashion, superhero titles take this much further than the rest of the...

Into the Super-verse: Catching up with the big superhero MMOs

With the weirdness of the quarantine and how it's been impacting game development, I thought it might be a good time to take a...

Into the Super-verse: Getting started with Champions Online in 2020

The sharp rise and fall of Champions Online back in 2009 resulted in a game that's made for an easy target of jokes ever...

Into the Super-verse: How City of Heroes welcomed me into MMOs

As we approach the first anniversary of City of Heroes' revival on the rogue server circuit, I wanted to take this opportunity to share...

Into the Super-verse: What superhero MMOs offer that other games don’t

When I was in high school, the Console Wars were heating up between SEGA and Nintendo. I'm afraid to report that many of my...

Into the Super-verse: 13 text-based superhero MMOs you can play today

As part of this column covering superhero MMORPGs, we have looked at the usual suspects: MMOs of the past (Champions Online, City of Heroes,...

Into the Super-verse: Ship of Heroes’ character creator is bare-bones yet still engaging

Every once in a while, Hollywood releases a pair of movies from different studios at the same time that cover, more or less, the...

Into the Super-Verse: Putting City of Titans’ character builder through its paces

Mark this date in your history books because the battle of superhero MMO character builders is on! Both Ship of Heroes and City of...

Into the Super-verse: Catching up with Valiance Online

So far in the Into the Super-verse column space, we have touched base with two of the three upcoming City of Heroes spiritual successors:...

Into the Super-verse: Why Ship of Heroes’ character customization tool is so important

What kind of hero are you going to be today? In most MMOs, that question and its possible answers are watered down and homogenized, but...