
I'm definitely an elf!

Perfect Ten: MMOs that aimed at the future… and missed

The future is a weird place. It's similar to the present, but it has a very different outlook on the world, and it wants...

Perfect Ten: Compliments to MMOs I don’t play

Back in September, Bree posed a Daily Grind question that I thought was genuinely intriguing. You know, for once. Just kidding, Bree! She asked...
Actually developing a title to not be a boring slog is a skill some developers have yet to master.

Perfect Ten: The 10 types of skill in MMOs

Everyone has a very strong opinion about player skill in MMOs. This is understandable. Furthermore, I've met a lot of different people with different...

Perfect Ten: MMOs that desperately need proper player housing

Here's something pretty encouraging to me: When I sat down to work on an article listing MMOs that really could use but lacked proper...
I'm not back on any BS, I never left it.

Perfect Ten: Ten MMO systems that encourage alts

Here's how much I like having alts: I have alts in Final Fantasy XIV and Final Fantasy XI. Two games which are built on...
It's clear now.

Perfect Ten: Failed MMOs that could have succeeded with more love

Hindsight is 20/20. Unless you're blind in one eye from nostalgia, in which case hindsight is 0/20. In any case, you understand that it's...

Perfect Ten: My favorite WildStar memories

As I grow older, I start to worry about the loss of memories that are precious to me. I already joke that I'm pretty...
I'm definitely an elf!

Perfect Ten: My favorite MMORPG names

Stuff in MMOs has names. That's... like, a defining feature. We all know that. These games have titles, and they have expansions, and they...

Perfect Ten: Why World of Warcraft is still worth playing

When it comes to popular games, it seems as though writers don't feel that they have to extol their virtues. They're already popular, after...
There were some decent tabletop Star Trek games, but no.

Perfect Ten: MMOs with the most needlessly obtuse stats

One of my favorite reviewers of tabletop RPGs at one point opined that percentile systems were one of the best tabletop mechanics possible, simply...

Perfect Ten: Anticipated MMOs I want to know a lot more about

One of the most exciting parts of covering the news here at Massively OP is that we challenge ourselves to stay on top of...

Perfect Ten: 10 MMO features that deserve widespread adaptation

You know what gets me excited about upcoming MMOs? It's certainly not the list of expected systems and features that have since become standard...

Perfect Ten: The best expansions for specific MMOs

Looking over the past two decades or so, MMORPGs have grown by leaps and bounds with regular releases, events, and (of course) expansion packs....
And on and on and on...

Perfect Ten: Endless dungeons in MMOs

Most MMO dungeons are normal songs. You start out and you have a pretty clear picture of the beginning, middle, and end; they don't...

Perfect Ten: Best MMO debuts by year, 2007-2017

Continuing from my previous column that went back to 1997, I'm going to be running through the second decade of graphical MMORPG launches and...

Perfect Tenception: Our ten perfectest Perfect Tens (since last year) – 2018 edition

Last year on the Fourth of July, I posted up a Perfect Ten that was a list of my favorite Perfect Tens Justin and...

Perfect Ten: The best MMO debuts by year, 1997-2006

By now, many of you probably know that I'm the curator of the MMO Timeline on my personal blog. On this page, I've attempted...

Perfect Ten: Ten things you need to understand about MMORPG Rogues

Sometimes I know that I may be a bit too old-school because there's a little twitch in my eye whenever I have to refer...

Perfect Ten: What I’ve always wished for in a Fallout MMO

This week I've been absolutely consumed by the thought of Fallout 76. I know, I know I shouldn't get my hopes up for a...

Perfect Ten: MMO features that help players express individuality

When you play a single-player game, you automatically feel quite special and unique. You are, after all, the very centerpiece that the entire game...