See: Star Citizen
roberts space industries
Star Citizen recounts August’s efforts on gameplay and enemy AI updates, showcases space cows in a video
It's time once more for CIG to show off its monthly progress for Star Citizen, and as followers of the alpha game might expect,...
Star Citizen highlights Pyro’s factions, AI archetypes, and FFA PvP activities
After a highlight of one of its spaceship concept artists last week, this week's episode of Star Citizen's video series is back to previewing...
Star Citizen releases alpha 3.24 with cargo hauling improvements and the long-delayed personal hangar
"It takes a lot to keep the United Empire of Earth moving and behind every skilled fighter pilot, selfless medic, and titan of industry...
Star Citizen kicks off a week-long free fly event and previews Pyro’s non-combat gameplay
Star Citizen is celebrating its ships once again and using that love of internet spacecraft to pitch the game to new money players. The...
Star Citizen shares some additional details about alpha 4.0’s jump points
While Star Citizen already talked about the two jump points that will link the Stanton system and the Pyro system together in a video,...
This is not a drill: Star Citizen ship interiors can catch fire in alpha 4.0
There are more than a few things that can go wrong while piloting a spaceship in Star Citizen, but when alpha 4.0 drops, players...
Star Citizen takes a look at the space stations, asteroid bases, and FFA PvP of alpha 4.0’s Pyro system
Star Citizen's weekly video series is now starting to look past alpha 3.24 and towards alpha 4.0, especially the addition of the game's second...
Star Citizen begins its Ship Showdown community event and demonstrates building a POI
The time has once again come for fans of Star Citizen to stump for their favorite internet spaceships and ultimately see which one is...
Star Citizen’s alpha 3.24 personal hangars aren’t quite housing, but it’s a start
Sure, Star Citizen has showcased cargo and freight gameplay coming in alpha 3.24 already, but who's stopping it from doing so a second time?...
Massively Overthinking: How much research do you do before playing a new MMORPG?
On this week's MOP Podcast, Justin and I discussed our experiences in No Man's Sky (again), and both of us came to the conclusion...
Star Citizen shows off updates and adjustments to alpha 4.0’s jump points
Right now players are locked inside of the single system of Stanton in Star Citizen, but when alpha 4.0 goes online, they will then...
Star Citizen showcases alpha 3.24’s Blockade Runner event and delayed cargo freight gameplay
Star Citizen looks to be spooling up its hype drives for the sci-fi sandbox's next alpha build, starting off with this week's Inside Star...
Star Citizen readies a returning community helping event, preps cargo updates and new event for alpha 3.24
Star Citizen is always looking toward a future of things to do and that throughline continues in the game's usual weekly update post, which...
Perfect Ten: 10 MMORPGs with weirdly defensive fanbases
I do not have nice things to say about RuneScape. I have never had nice things to say about RuneScape. I also do not...
Star Citizen makes efforts on NPC AI, vehicle destruction, missions, and server meshing
We're back once again with another Star Citizen monthly report, and it looks as if efforts by CIG for the month of June have...
Star Citizen raked in higher profits over the month of June and the second quarter
One might suspect that the month of May would have been a big one for Star Citizen's piggy bank owing to the Invictus event...
Choose My Adventure: The Elite Dangerous vs Pax Dei rematch
Nine times out of ten, I generally follow the Will of the Polls here in MOP's Choose My Adventure column without too much question...
Chinese Star Citizen fan attempts to sound an alarm over a resolved Bar Citizen ticket price fiasco
Followers of Star Citizen are likely very familiar with the Bar Citizen community meet-ups that run every year. These free player-run events allow fans...
UK employment tribunal says Star Citizen studio discriminated against autistic employee
While we recognize that this monetary ruling is barely a bug bite to the wrist of Star Citizen developer Cloud Imperium Games, we'll take...
Choose My Adventure: Flying, dogfighting, and struggling with hardware in Star Citizen
Well, talk about a massive disappointment. After a bunch of attempts, tweaks, and some general stubbornness, I'm pretty much going to have to concede...