wisdom of nym

Wisdom of Nym is a Final Fantasy XIV column by Eliot Lefebvre. [Follow this column’s RSS feed]


Wisdom of Nym: Taking a look at the Final Fantasy XVI x Final Fantasy XIV crossover

Confession time: I've been not exactly low-key waiting for the Final Fantasy XVI crossover in Final Fantasy XIV since June of last year. You...
No mom.

Wisdom of Nym: Final Fantasy XIV isn’t easier, but it also is

So it was about half a month ago when Final Fantasy XIV fans translated an interview with producer and director Naoki Yoshida talking about...

Wisdom of Nym: Final Fantasy XIV Dawntrail release dates, event dates, and philosophy

Well let me be the first to say that I can most definitely live with this particular set of revelations from PAX East, so...
This is some Michael Bay contrast.

Wisdom of Nym: What we’re likely to see at Final Fantasy XIV’s PAX East 2024 panel

I realize at this point my general dislike of heading up to Boston for the annual haunted plague box that is PAX East is...

Wisdom of Nym: So how are we going to sort out Final Fantasy XIV’s Vana’diel crossover?

There is an odd relationship between Final Fantasy XIV and crossovers. There are, broadly, three categories of crossover that the game has engaged in. The...
With strong eye contact.

Wisdom of Nym: What people don’t really get about the Warrior of Light in Final Fantasy XIV

Not so long ago, I saw a very foolish comment complaining about Final Fantasy XIV from someone who did not play or think about...

Wisdom of Nym: The franchise references for monsters in Final Fantasy XIV

Final Fantasy XIV has no shortage of references to prior series enemies, but as with so many things, lots of those references are not...
This is some Michael Bay contrast.

Wisdom of Nym: How long until Final Fantasy XIV’s next expansion based on patch 6.57?

I wasn't really thinking about Final Fantasy XIV's patch 6.57 in any real detail because... of course I wasn't. There are some things I...
Trans rights city.

Wisdom of Nym: What the hey is up with Final Fantasy XIV’s Xbox pricing?

In another theoretical timeline, there's a place where Final Fantasy XIV really would have stepped in it when it subtly noted that the game's...
I used to float; now I just fall down.

Wisdom of Nym: The franchise references in the world of Final Fantasy XIV

There's a fan theory circulating that Final Fantasy XIV is the nexus of the franchise multiverse. Essentially, the idea is that Hydaelyn and Zodiark...
Voyage onward.

Wisdom of Nym: The franchise references for jobs in Final Fantasy XIV

There is not a single game in the history of the franchise that has not been referenced in some capacity by Final Fantasy XIV....
Looks nice enough, I guess.

Wisdom of Nym: Impressions of Final Fantasy XIV’s petite patch 6.55

There's an odd thing that keeps going back and forth in my head when I look at last week's patch 6.55 for Final Fantasy...
It's paid for just fine.

Wisdom of Nym: Dreaming about Final Fantasy XIV patch 6.55 during the day-long downtime

Somehow, the final Endwalker content patch has arrived. All right, maybe you could argue that's just the tiniest bit premature; technically we've still got...
Trans rights city.

Wisdom of Nym: The highs and lows of Final Fantasy XIV’s 2024 Tokyo fan festival

There's a certain dramatic irony in the idea that as the Tokyo fan festival started winding up the Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail hype, the...
There is another shore, you know.

Final Fantasy XIV Tokyo Fan Festival: Pictomancer, lady Hrothgar, and release ambiguity

If you had been paying attention and looking forward to Final Fantasy XIV's third and final fan festival ahead of Dawntrail, you probably had...

Wisdom of Nym: What Final Fantasy XIV’s fan festival needs to accomplish

In just a few days, the last fan festival for Final Fantasy XIV's upcoming Dawntrail expansion will kick off, and on paper it looks...
He seems happy.

Wisdom of Nym: My Viper wishlist for Final Fantasy XIV

One of the things I like about Viper in Final Fantasy XIV is that it fills a gap that the game has heretofore been...
This is some Michael Bay contrast.

Wisdom of Nym: What I definitely do not want to see in Final Fantasy XIV Dawntrail

We don't have very long left to go before the next Final Fantasy XIV fan festival; there's even a countdown clock on the official...
The future is dragons, as is the present.

Wisdom of Nym: Still talking about Final Fantasy XIV after 13 years

This column's title is not a typo: I have been writing about Final Fantasy XIV in a weekly column for... at least 13 years...
With strong eye contact.

Wisdom of Nym: Why Final Fantasy XIV fans look for messages in tea leaves from trailers

If you are not on the sinking ship that is Twitter Dot Com at this point, you have, objectively, made a good decision. But...