The Classic Secret World community is hosting a 12th anniversary event for the game – not Funcom


Let’s get this out of the way: No, Funcom has not had a massive change of heart and decided to start developing for either of its versions of The Secret World. The studio is mostly mum on the MMO these days, allowing it to continue operation but doing very little to promote or help it.

However, the studio’s reticence to give The Secret World love hasn’t stopped the community from doing the same. Popular TSW streamer Catboiler announced a big “12th Anniversary Bash” for the original version of the game on July 3rd.

In this player-run event, the community is encouraged to repopulate lower zones, run dungeons together, hunt golems, and fight in PvP. There’s also the promise of “an exclusive interview with the game’s writer” as part of the evening’s festivities.

According to MOP Secret World expert Tyler, Catboiler is the same streamer who got Funcom to turn on the golem bosses for the game’s 10th anniversary — and never shut them off afterward.

Source: Reddit
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