Leaderboard: Chronicles of Elyria’s Kickstarter funded. Did you back it?

Ah, because you're awesome. That's your selling point.

On this week’s Massively OP podcast, both Justin and I expressed surprise that Chronicles of Elyria’s Kickstarter has done so well — it certainly seems to defy the prevailing gloom-and-doom about Kickstarters, MMORPGs, and Kickstarter MMORPGs. It also has no big-name devs behind it, and its mechanics are… well, the business model and FFA PvP nature of the game would suggest a limited audience.

And yet it funded late last night to the tune of $900,000 and rising, no doubt, since it has three weeks still to go.

I thought we might take this weekend’s Leaderboard and conduct a quick survey of the Massively OP readers. Did you back or are you backing Chronicles of Elyria? To the pollmobile!

Are you backing Chronicles of Elyria?

  • Maybe. I'm waiting to hear more or to see how it develops. (12%, 70 Votes)
  • Yep -- I backed for under $100. (10%, 60 Votes)
  • Yep -- I backed for over $100. (22%, 127 Votes)
  • Nope -- I do not back ANY game Kickstarters. (10%, 58 Votes)
  • Nope -- I'm not backing, but I might buy/play at launch. (21%, 125 Votes)
  • Nope -- I'm not backing, and I won't play at launch either. (15%, 85 Votes)
  • Elf butts. (10%, 60 Votes)

Total Voters: 585

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