It probably won’t surprise you to know that we spend a lot of time in work chat behind the scenes of Massively Overpowered discussing MMOs. Larry and I were talking the other day about Secret World Legends and comparing it to Final Fantasy XIV‘s wildly successful reboot, and that got me to thinking: are there other games out there with a need for that sort of reboot? But rather than just speculating about it privately, why not turn it over to the community?
That’s your exercise for today. If you could reboot any currently operating MMO, which one would you pick? Choose a game out there that is currently running in an official capacity (so that rules out games like Tabula Rasa or City of Heroes) and assume you have unlimited budget and rights. Reboot the game from the ground up. What would you change? What would you keep the same? And while we’re on the topic, why that game instead of any other?