ROSE Online, a Korean MMO that first launched in 2005 and was shut down in its home country in February 2019 after three years of maintenance mode, continues to have what appears to be a slow death in the Asia-Pacific region. Faith-Inc., the company that operates the Japanese version of the title has officially filed for bankruptcy. According to reports, Faith-Inc is approximately $4 million in debt to 46 creditors.
In spite of the grim financial situation, a post on the official site has promised that development and new features for ROSE Online in the area will continue, including promise of new dungeons and a 15th anniversary update in July. This is all in spite of the fact that Faith-Inc. has reportedly fired and suspended employees without pay in late 2019.
ROSE Online has had about as long of a history in Japan as it has in its native Korea, with the game being picked up and launched in 2013 with the intent of creating new content exclusively for Japanese players. It would appear, however, that run is almost up despite assurances to the contrary.