Yes, yes, we all know that you can’t hear explosions and engines and laser fire in space. You’re stupendously clever for saying so, I assure you. For anyone else who’s not a fun vacuum and likes to play Star Citizen, a recent livestream sat down with members of the audio team to discuss what they do for the game.
Some of the questions asked indicated future audio updates to the spaceship sandbox, including sound queues in the works that better indicate a ship powering up its engines and systems beyond the UI greeting, plans for internal alarms like red alerts for multi-crew ships once the ship design team has those features created, and the possibility of an intercom system for ships. Most of the stream talked about how the team creates sounds in the game, as one would expect.
Speaking of future updates for Star Citizen, there’s been another roadmap roundup that outlines several features moving to the polishing phase of the 3.10 PU Roadmap including new shops for New Babbage, improvements to GrimHEX, electron damage, body dragging, improvements to impounding, a rework of ship HUDs, turret and gunnery improvements, and heightmap improvements.