In Neo: The World Ends With You, released in 2021, the plot centered around a neverending metaphysical competition in Tokyo’s Shibuya district in the wake of the Shinjuku district having been “deleted” some time prior. We’re not saying that Square-Enix released this as a secret communication ahead of time, but the company is relocating its headquarters from its building in Shinjuku to new construction in Shibuya after all. So it’s possible, that’s all we’re saying.
Fortunately for employees who hate moving, this isn’t something that’s happening tomorrow; the relocation is to a building in the Sakruagaoka area that’s scheduled to be completed in November 2024, so it’ll still be a little while. That’s still a big move for the company to a new location, though, which comes just a few days after the announcement that the company will replace Yosuke Matsuda as president later this year. And it might coincide with something going on with the Reaper’s Game; we can’t be sure it doesn’t aside from that being wholly fictional.