New World’s Australian Sutekh server is no longer a fresh start world because of small population size

It's fine. This is fine.

When New World announced the rollout of fresh start servers last October, it did so with the plan of making them separate from regular servers, meaning that players were not able to transfer characters into or out of these servers at the time. One of these servers was the Australian Sutekh server, which was among those that were part of the original rollout, but it looks as if its population has dipped low enough that its fresh start status is being eliminated.

The announcement confirms that the player count on Sutekh has dipped past a certain threshold that makes its isolation unsustainable, but Amazon Games also claims that a shutdown of the server “is not an option,” meaning the solution is to remove the fresh start status and allow players to transfer characters between Sutekh and the other regional server Delos.

In order to entice players to move over, the Sutekh server is offering doubled XP earning rates between now and June 7th. In addition, transfer restrictions for migrating between servers will be lifted, though there will still be a 30-day transfer waiting period. Even so, the option to move over is now available for those who are interested in doing so.

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