For someone who spent a whole lot of time playing Final Fantasy XI back in the day, I sure as heck didn’t reach the level cap with many jobs. Actually, with almost any jobs; it wasn’t until I first returned to the game after multiple leveling changes and the addition of Trusts that I got up there. Some of this was because the leveling guide I shared a while back made reaching the level cap a somewhat unpleasant prospect back in the day, but some of it was just… differences in how MMORPGs used to be.
My goal here is not to shame anyone who has played a game but hasn’t reached the level cap. Sure, the days have passed when reaching the level cap took months of play and a dedicated push, but it’s not exactly insane to think you might enjoy Star Trek Online by starting a lot of different captains of different factions and never really getting to the later parts of the game. You play how you like. So which MMORPG did you play the longest without reaching the level cap? Not just games where you tend to start new alts as soon as you reach it, but ones where you never even reached it in the first place?