Palworld vows to keep servers online ‘without regard to cost’ (despite monthly cost of nearly half a million dollars)


Getting professional server hosting for an online multiplayer title ain’t cheap, and that holds true for Palworld developer Pocketpair, which is paying out the nozzle to keep the survival sandbox title’s servers humming – while resolutely stating it’s not bothered by the high price.

A tweet from Pocketpair CEO Takuro Mizobe shared an image from its server hosting service, which projects the month’s server cost to over ¥70M, or over $470K – and that number could continue to climb higher if the title’s player numbers continue their upward trend. “Wait, maybe they’ll go bankrupt due to server fees?” jokes Mizobe in the tweet.

Multiple replies to the tweet either thank the studio for their work or offer suggestions to additionally monetize Palworld with things like a battle pass or cosmetics shop, but lead network engineer Chujo Hiroto replied to Mizobe’s tweet with a promise that Palworld’s servers will stay on no matter what. “Following the order to never let the service go down no matter what, we have prepared servers without regard to cost,” he writes. “We will continue to give our all to ensure that all players can enjoy to the fullest!”

We’ve found Palworld to be a buggy but extremely fun bit of early access survivalbox gameplay in our initial impressions piece despite its design cues cribbing from multiple sources – or perhaps because of them.

source: Twitter (1, 2) via Rock Paper Shotgun
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