Corepunk’s alpha is offline through tomorrow as the studio tackles server crash problems


Corepunk’s current paid alpha is almost a week in, and if you’ve been playing, you might have noticed that the servers aren’t actually up. That’s because they’ve been plagued by crashes all weekend and Artificial Core took them offline until at least Tuesday for fixes.

“We’ve identified the errors causing the servers to crash and have a clearer idea of the solution, but we realistically won’t be able to start working on the fixes until tomorrow [August 12th, so today now],” the team says. “We considered keeping the servers up and rebooting them after every crash, but that wouldn’t provide an enjoyable gameplay experience for you. Therefore, dear friends, we’ve decided to take the servers offline for two days. We plan to bring them back online by Tuesday at 6 PM Amsterdam time.”

That’s noon EDT, if you wondered. The good news is that the team isn’t wiping characters again. (There was a separate wipe last week.) And in spite of the downtime and crashes, the Artificial Core actually seems pretty pleased with how the test is going, and it spends words telling players that the players are “truly engaged and immersed in exploring the world of Corepunk.”

“What’s been remarkable during this test, despite the numerous technical and gameplay issues, is the stability of the online player base from the first day until now. The fact that server populations bounced back almost immediately after each restart shows how engaged you are with the game. […] We’re also pleased that you’re openly discussing all the problems, which will allow us to fix everything.”

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