I remember for a long time that there was a sentiment in the City of Heroes fandom that the game was horribly languishing and suffering because it was being managed by Matt “Positron” Miller. While it was true that he was the lead designer at the time, this was a sentiment that largely went away with time; in fact, I’d personally say that Miller was a fine lead designer and just made some choices that were good for the game but initially unpopular. [I’d agree with this too. -Bree] Indeed, I think a lot of that sentiment was just coming at a time when gamers automatically adopted a certain amount of animus toward the developers in charge of one’s chosen MMO.
That’s not to say that mismanagement doesn’t exist, though. We can all think of games that are managed by designers whom the community doesn’t like, making poor choices for the long-term health of the game. So which live MMORPG has suffered the most from poor management? Which game would you point to as having people in charge who, well-intentioned or not, just are not well-suited to steering the path of a game? It’s not about the people specifically, just the decisions made by leadership.