While Forsaken World may not have set the western MMORPG world on fire, there appeared to be enough players out there to snap up the keys we had given away for the game over the years, so it must have garnered an audience. So we regret to inform that audience that Gearbox Publishing (aka the rebranded Perfect World Entertainment) has announced the MMORPG will be shutting down on Wednesday, November 30th.
“We no longer feel there is room for FW to flourish and grow,” explains the announcement. “This was a very difficult decision to make, but we are grateful for the love, support, and dedication you have poured into the game and all the wonderful communities that have come from FW.”
As of this past Friday, all cash shop currency purchases were turned off, while any purchases made in the game and Arc Points spent in the game between March 1st and April 28th will be converted into Arc credit and applied to player accounts starting in May. This credit can be used for purchases in other MMORPGs run by Gearbox, including Perfect World International, Neverwinter, Star Trek Online, and Champions Online. It will take approximately a month for these refunds to apply.
In the interim, players can look forward to an assortment of deeply discounted items added to the in-game boutique available between May 11th and the game’s ultimate sunset as a final hurrah for the game.