New World’s latest Aeternum vids warn you against baddies and get you in decent gear


Amazon has been understandably busy this week, what with the whole Throne & Liberty headstart and the New World Aeternum launch deets. But the studio did keep to its promise to continue rolling out Discovering Aeternum episodes.

Our mystery narrator, Urda, is back in two videos. The first is all about armor – because, you know, your noob butt is gonna need some to survive. Basically, her advice boils down to killing everything and taking its loot, opening up every chest you can find, buying stuff from other players, and maybe even crafting it yourself. She also talks up the game’s tmog system. Pretty basic stuff for any RPG or MMORPG.

The second vid is another gorgeous fly-through of the game world as Urda warns the player against the Ancients themselves. Again, this game is still extremely pretty. If these videos convey any real message to new players, it’s that.

There’s actually a bonus video this week too, clearly scaled for TikTok and designed as a spoof on America’s Most Wanted.

Source: YouTube
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