Conan Exiles disables its brand-new living settlements following disappearing thrall bug


The great Conan’s muscles giveth, and the great Conan’s muscles taketh away… at least until the thralls at Funcom can get their act together to assemble a fix for a rather nasty bug.

Conan Exiles announced that it’s disabling living settlements – which only just arrived in the game earlier this month thanks to Age of Heroes – on the official servers for the time being, as there’s been an ongoing issue affecting this system. While Funcom works on a patch to straighten things out, players should be aware of how workers will act and what subsystems are still available.

And while Funcom isn’t being clear about what’s going wrong, players have been reporting a range of bugs that seem responsible for the pause; the worst seems to be an AI bug that was causing high-end thralls to wander off and vanish as if they were in freakin’ Westworld and suddenly attained sentience.

“Thank you for your attention, and I once more apologize for any trouble these issues may have caused you. We do not have an ETA on the patch at this moment, but as soon as we know more, we’ll keep you posted,” the game’s community manager said.

Worth noting is that if you’re on a custom server, you can turn off living settlements yourself.

Source: Conan Exiles
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