
They said what? They’re using that business model? They hired whom? [Follow this category’s RSS feed]

Funcom’s Joel Bylos on the difference between MMOs and survival sandboxes

Funcom's Joel Bylos features in a Twitch interview on Gamasutra this week talking up Conan Exiles and explaining the core difference between server-based survival...
So long.

The Exiled goes free-to-play for its third season

The Exiled, the PvP MMO formerly known as Das Tal, is making some business model changes. When it launched into early access back in February,...

Korean studio Move Games resurrects ASTA on Steam

When I mentioned in our newsroom that I was working on an ASTA post, nobody believed me, but it's true: ASTA: The War of...

The 2022 Asian Games will include e-sports events

Go ahead and keep mocking e-sports, but they are only getting bigger and more respectable as they keep creating tremendous piles of money. In...
You might think it's easier when the only version of the game that exists is one with unrealized potential, but it's not.

Carbine Studios is hiring for an unspecified new project

The general consensus for WildStar has been that the game is running on borrowed time for several reasons. That's a sad conclusion, but an...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 113: Avatar vs. toon

Justin and Bree discuss Guild Wars 2, Trove, LOTRO, TERA, Elite, WoW, Star Citizen, and WildStar, with a mailbag question on MMORPG midcore accessibility.

What virtual reality immersion researchers are up to will ‘shock’ you – literally

OK, virtual reality fans and frenemies, here's a fun thought process: How do you simulate haptic feedback when your arms are waving around in...

Analyst suggests Tencent’s new global games service will compete with Steam

If you're not a big fan of Steam's dominance of gaming trends in the west, maybe you think a competitor will do the service...
But the same old story.

Amazon job posting reveals New World details

A job listing for a player relations specialist may be inadvertently giving us a glimpse of a few details concerning Amazon's upcoming New World MMORPG. Tucked...
Well well well, how the turntable.

Greg Street discusses balancing League of Legends for all skill levels

How do you balance a video game? It's kind of an ongoing question, but it's also one that Greg Street (aka Ghostcrawler) has been...
Boy, aren't you in a hurry.

Pearl Abyss might be hiring for a Black Desert Southeast Asia localization

It's always tricky to suss out unannounced plans for a developer from nothing more than job postings, but that's never stopped anyone before. Pearl...

Disney’s new Star Wars land is half an MMO

Everybody's doing sandbox MMOARGs these days -- including Disney. Disney World in Orlando has been working on a new Star Wars ride, glad news for...

Make My MMO: Star Citizen’s roadmap, Elite Dangerous’ Commanders, and Starfighter’s successful Kickstarter (April 15, 2017)

This week in MMO crowdfunding, it's been a battle of the space MMOs. Elite: Dangerous rolled out its Commanders 2.3 update, introducing what our own...

A trimmed-down Star Citizen 3.0 alpha is coming this summer

You can stop fidgeting about what might or might not arrive in Star Citizen this year: Cloud Imperium has released its promised development roadmap...
There has to be money here somewhere.

SuperData CEO discusses the money problem of e-sports

Whether you're a big fan of the e-sports scene or you would be quite happy never hearing about it ever again, you are no...

Newzoo analysts weigh in on virtual reality adoption

Remember last week when SuperData published a report on virtual reality, predicting a "steep rise" in VR adoption as we roll toward 2020? Competing...

SWTOR changes up producers, teases 2017 road map

Over at BioWare, the frisky employees have tagged in a new producer to handle the title. The result is that Ben Irving is out...
Oh, this looks safe.

Rend aims to boost its survival sandbox community with three-faction PvP

Frostkeep Studios has another dev blog out this week explaining how Rend will improve on traditional survival sandboxes. How? Factions. The studio's Jordan Leithart argues...

Trove’s 2017 patches will catch console up to PC, add sub-classes for everyone

Trove is in the midst of a changing of the guard at Trion, as Producer Andrew "Avarem" Krausnick hands over the reins to his...

Heroes of the Storm crowns a dorm champ, catalyzes a wedding

Congrats are due this week to the University of Texas at Arlington, whose Heroes of the Storm e-sports team pretty much walked away handily...